Sumber daripada:

Monday, 23 May 2016

Melt the Fat Around the Stomach – Lose 3 kg for 5 Days

This drink is probably the simplest way to remove those persistent 3 kg. If you want to reduce your waist without rigorous diets, try it today.


60 g of parsley
1 lemon
230 ml water
– Chop the parsley and drain lemon juice over it.
– Place the mixture in a bowl and add water.
– Drink this in the morning on an empty stomach for 5 days. Then, make a pause of 10 days.

This drink will increase your metabolism and help you out in melting the fat of your body as well as losing the calories and it provides to your body a healthy vitamins and minerals.

The parsley improves digestion and helps the body to expel extra fluids, so it eliminates the feeling of bloating.

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